Sunday, May 27, 2018

5 Simple Nondrug Solutions to Help You Fight Depression

1. Spend more time outdoors


According to one study, spending time in nature can act like a natural medicine to reduce stress, relieve pain, improve mood and significantly lower symptoms of depression. You can spend more time outdoors by following these tips :

  1. Try to take a walk, or simply taking your exercise outdoors. You can reap the benefits of being outdoors without the need to go to a forest. Simply take a walk around the block you live after dinner. Not only do you get the advantages of being outdoors, but going for a stroll after dinner has been shown to decrease the glycemic effect of the meal you consumed.
  2. Work or study outdoors. Having a meeting on a picnic table under a tree, or taking your lap top to a local green space can be a brilliant way to enjoy the sunlight and oxygen while still getting stuff done.
  3. Develop an outdoor hobby. Many hobbies take us outdoors, and they are an excellent way to get out of our homes and busy cities. As an example, try hiking, fishing, surfing, gardening, photography, canoeing, golfing, or even outdoor cooking.

2. Address negative emotions


I strongly believe that viewing depression as a sign that your body and life are out of balance is more helpful than consider it as a disease. But how are we supposed to address negative emotions that keep coming up when we're depressed?
Here’s what I suggest for emotional cleansing:

  1. Understand Your Emotions. Emotional awareness helps us know and accept ourselves. So how can you become more aware of your emotions? Look within and try to pinpoint the situations that are causing the stress and negative emotions in your life.
  2. Change What You Can. Put into practice what you've learned from my first suggestion. Bring your stress triggers down and you will start feeling negative emotions less frequently.
  3. Share your feelings with people. The best way to practice turning emotions into words and share them with people who matter most to you. Make it a daily practice to share feelings with a friend or family member.

3. Optimize your omega-3

salmon fish omega 3

The animal-based omega-3 fat DHA is maybe the unique most important nutrient to improve brain function and prevention of mental illness. By far the best and healthiest way to increase your Omega-3 intake is to eat seafood once or twice per week. whereas you can get DHA from krill or fish oil, it is much better to obtain it from clean, low-mercury fish such as sardines, anchovies, wild salmon, herring, and fish roe.
It is also better to opt for pastured or Omega-3 enriched eggs, which are much higher in Omega-3 compared to eggs from hens that were fed grain-based feeds.

4. Get regular exercise

woman exercising

According to research carried out, the results have shown that there is a mutual relationship between mood enhancement and aerobic capacity. Exercising boosts your levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which help lessen the effects of stress and favors nerve cell development in the hippocampus, improving nerve cell connections, which helps ease depression.

5. Get enough restorative sleep

woman sleep

Sleep perturbations can produce troubles related to memory and thinking, mood problems such as depression and anxiety. During sleep, the brain is able to restore and grow cells, tissue, and nerves that regenerate and strengthen the hormone and immune system. Along with well nutrition and stress lowering, restorative sleep is vital for your optimal physical, mental, and emotional health.

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